Amanda de la Madriz life coach for moms

About Me

I started Life Coaching back in 2013, and went into full stay at home mom mode when my son was born in 2016. With two babies and no outside help by 2019, I found myself constantly in a state of overwhelm and exhaustion. 

I would lie in bed at the end of the day and think about all the ways I messed up. How I failed. 

And then I decided I didn’t want that for myself anymore. I was ready for a change. I wanted to feel better. 

I decided to do something for myself and go back to Life Coaching. I got a Life Coach who changed my perspective on motherhood. I joined the certification with The Life Coach School, and by learning the tools to help my clients change their lives, I myself became a new person. My own life was completely transformed.

This journey is one that so many of us are on. And while we can choose to believe that sometimes it’s hard, the story we tell ourselves about our life is totally within our control. And we can change it if we want to! 

Mama—you can feel better. This is what I do. I teach moms how to love their mom life. To drop the mom guilt. To prioritize themselves. To feel better. 

It’s possible for you too. Let me show you how.