1:1 Coaching


So admittedly, whenever I’ve seen that someone isn’t upfront about their pricing, it’s always made me feel uneasy…and that’s not how I want you to feel. I’m not here to convince you or push you into doing something you’re not sure you want to do.

If you’re here though, I’m pretty sure you want to ;-) so I’m going to make it super easy for you — my package is 10 sessions for $1400. That’s it. You get weekly 60-minute calls with me via zoom, so we can work together no matter where you are in the world.

Interested? Great! Let’s chat. Book a free consultation and see what feeling better can start to be like for you. 

Still unsure? I get it. This whole thing can be scary. But that’s just your brain thinking it’s not safe to change. That it’s going to be hard. But what if this whole can experience could be fun!? What if you just said ‘yes’ to it, and went all-in? You work so hard already; you deserve a real chance to do something for YOU.

Listen, our first call won’t cost you anything but your time. Let’s talk about all the ways you can change your life. About everything that’s possible for you. And I promise you’ll know for sure whether this is something you want to do. 

I can’t wait to meet you.